Friday, September 6, 2024

How Much Is Washington State Unemployment

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Q Do I Qualify For Unemployment Benefits If I Become Seriously Illand I Am Forced To Quit My Job As A Result Of Covid

Your Money, Your Future: Washington state unemployment deadlines

A. If you are too ill to be able and available for work, you do not qualify for unemployment benefits. However, you may qualify for Paid Family & Medical Leave while you are sick. You can learn more in thisQ& A. Once you recover and are available for work again, you can apply for unemployment benefits.

How Do I Apply For Unemployment Benefits In Washington

The easiest way to apply for your UI benefits is to submit your eligibility claim online. You also have the option of calling Washingtons claim center to submit your unemployment claim. However, please know that long wait times are common when filing a claim by phone. Its much faster and more efficient to apply online, and you are strongly encouraged to do so. Its a good idea to make sure that you apply for your unemployment compensation within two weeks of losing your job.

How To File Your Weekly Claim

After you file your application for unemployment benefits, you must start filing your weekly claims. You require filing each week, even though you are:

  • Waiting for a verdict about benefits,
  • Waiting for your claim to become valid, or
  • Appealing a denial of benefits
  • You can file your weekly claim:

    • Through the Internet You can file your weekly claim online. You must have a User ID and PIN to file your weekly claim online.
    • File every week that you want to claim benefits and keep on filing until you go back to work, run out of benefits or stop seeking work. You will receive your unemployment benefits one week after filing the claim.

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    Labor Supply Contracts In July

    The states labor force in July was 4,030,800 a decrease of 8,100 people from the previous month. Labor force is defined as the total number of people, both employed and unemployed, older than 16.

    In the Seattle/Bellevue/Everett region, the labor force increased by 1,100 during the same period.

    From July 2021 to July 2022, the states labor force increased by 114,000, while the Seattle/Bellevue/Everett region increased by 70,100.

    From June to July, the number of people who were unemployed statewide decreased from 155,400 to 149,300. In the Seattle/Bellevue/Everett region, the number of people who were unemployed decreased from 46,400 to 45,100 during the same period.

    Of the industry sectors, in July:

    • Five contracted

    • Two were unchanged

    Private sector employment increased by 3,400 jobs while government employment increased by 3,200 jobs. Table 2 shows a summary of the job gains and losses in all 13 industry sectors.

    Annual payrolls continue to expand for nearly every industry

    Washington gained an estimated 161,700 jobs from July 2021 July 2022, not seaslly adjusted. Private sector employment rose by 5.5%, up an estimated 157,100 jobs, while public sector employment rose by 0.8%, up an estimated 4,600 jobs.

    From July 2021 July 2022, 12 major industry sectors expanded and one contracted

    The three industry sectors with the largest employment gains year over year, not seasonally adjusted, were:

    How Do I Report Fraud

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    Washington state has a comprehensive network designed to help residents report instances of fraudulent claims. To report fraud, use the secure fraud reporting form to alert officials that an imposter may be fraudulently claiming benefits under your name. If you have reason to believe that someone is claiming fraudulent unemployment benefits, you also can report this using the states fraud tip reporting form.

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    Timeline Of Unemployment Insurance Program In Washington

    The following timeline features selected key events in the history of Washington’s unemployment insurance program. The timeline is not a comprehensive history of the state unemployment insurance program.

    • 1938: As of May 1, 1938, Washington’s unemployment insurance program offered a maximum weekly benefit amount of $15 for up to 16 weeks.
    • 1985: As of January 1, 1985, Washington’s unemployment insurance program offered a maximum WBA of $185 for up to 30 weeks.
    • 2021: A March 2021 report from the U.S. Department of Labor found that the trust funds in 40 states and territories, including Washington, had dropped below the recommended minimum solvency standard as of January 1, 2021.

    How To Get Your Suta Tax Rate

    When you become an employer, you need to begin paying state unemployment tax. To do so, sign up for a SUTA tax account with your state.

    You can register as an employer online using your states government website. You might also be able to register for an account by mailing a form to your state. Each state has a different process for obtaining an account. Check your states government website for more information.

    To register for an account, you need to provide information about your business, such as your Employer Identification Number. When you register for an account, you will obtain an employer account number.

    Intimidated by the thought of state registration? For state tax registration made simple, try our partner, CorpNet.

    Once registered, your state tells you what your SUI rate is. And, your state also tells you what your states wage base is.

    Many states give newly registered employers a standard new employer rate. The state unemployment insurance rate for new employers varies.

    Some states split new employer rates up by construction and non-construction industries. For example, all new employers receive a SUTA rate of 1.25% in Nebraska, and all new construction employers receive a SUTA rate of 5.4% in 2022.

    If you live in a state that doesnt use a standard new employer rate, you must wait for your state to assign you your starting rate.

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    Are Gig Workers Eligible For Unemployment

    In Washington, the answer is maybe. The states unemployment insurance law is broader than under most other laws. This means that just because you are classified as an independent contractor under some laws does not mean that you are an independent contractor under Washingtons unemployment laws.

    The states Employment Security Department encourages those who have been laid off or lost work to apply for benefits. It will evaluate each application for eligibility on a case-by-case basis.

    According to NPR, the $2.2 trillion relief package passed by both the House and Senate allows self-employed people to apply for unemployment benefits that they normally would not qualify for. The package also lets some of the self-employed access disaster loans for small businesses.

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    Think Like A Businessand Act If Necessary

    Thousands waiting for unemployment benefits in Washington state | FOX 13 Seattle

    Before panic sets in, Tammy Wener, certified financial planner and co-founder of RW Financial Planning, recommends taking an honest look at your spending before dipping into an emergency fund. People are surprised to see what theyâre really spending their money on, she says.

    When you review your expenses, donât forget to look at recurring costs for services, including subscriptions that are on autopay. According to a survey by market research firm C+R Research, almost 42% said they have forgotten they were still being charged for a subscription they no longer use.

    Households need to start behaving a bit like a company would, says J. Michael Collins, faculty director of the Center for Financial Security at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. As a head of the household âcompany,â you decide when to spend your earnings and where you need to cut expenses first.

    âThe short answer is that for a lot of people, some of their expenses canât change,â Collins says.

    Expenses like rent or mortgage, for example, donât offer wiggle room. âPrioritize your savings for those things that are just absolutely essential,â he says. âIf you canât keep up with your rent or your mortgage, then your housing is in jeopardy.â

    If youâre unable to pay major bills like rent, mortgage or a car payment, itâs time to use your emergency fund.

    Wener says itâs important to understand the emotional impact of using emergency funds.

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    Q What If Ive Been Collecting Unemployment Benefits And Either Myself Or A Family Member Gets Sick With Covid

    A. If you have been receiving unemployment benefits and are now sick with COVID-19 or need to take care of a loved one who is sick with COVID-19, you may not be considered able and available for work. You can apply for benefits with Paid Familyand Medical Leave. You cannot receive both unemployment benefits and PFML during the same week. You need to stop claiming unemployment benefits when you start receiving Paid Family and Medical Leave. Cancellation of your unemployment claim is not necessary. Please visitPaid FamilyandMedical Leave’s websitefor more information. Eligibility decisions for both unemployment and PFML are made on a case-by-case basis.

    How To File Weekly Claims

    You must file a weekly certification to begin receiving benefits. You must then submit a claim for each week that you want to receive benefits. You can file a claim online or by telephone.

    • If you are filing online, file between Sunday 12:00 a.m. to Saturday 11:59 p.m.
    • If you are filing by phone, use the automated system or speak to representatives at the Department

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    Am I Eligible For Unemployment Benefits

    To qualify for unemployment benefits in the state of Washington, a claimant must satisfy several requirements. First, the applicant must have worked in Washington state for at least a portion of the base year used to calculate benefits. In Washington, you must have accrued a total of at least 680 working hours in your base year to be eligible for unemployment benefits. Unless you recently left the military and are currently located in Washington state, at least some of those hours must have occurred in Washington state.

    You must also be out of work through no fault of your own, meaning you cannot have quit your job without good cause. In addition, you must be willing, able, and available to accept suitable work when it is offered.

    To be eligible for Washington unemployment insurance benefits, you must be a resident of Washington and all of the following must be true:

    • You are unemployed through no fault of your own
    • You worked in Washington during the past 12 months
    • You earned a minimum amount of wages determined by Washington guidelines
    • You are actively seeking work each week you are collecting benefits

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    S To Filing And Getting Your Unemployment Claim Processed Quickly

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    • Filing online via your states unemployment website as soon as possible after losing your job or pay cut is the fastest way to submit an unemployment claim. Particularly in todays world where call centers are operating at reduced capacity. If you have issues with your claim you will have to likely contact your local State Unemployment Insurance agency. Just be prepared for this to take time.
    • Have details of your former jobs/employers , personal and banking information ready when filing the claim or talking to an agent at your state UI office. Make sure to give complete and correct information to minimize delays with your claim processing. It generally takes two to four weeks after you file your claim to receive your first first benefit check.
    • You can get paid by check, debit card or direct deposit. To get your payments in the fastest way go with direct deposit and ensure you have your correct and up to date bank routing and account numbers documented.
    • Certify on time to claim your benefits in order to get your unemployment check paid on schedule. One of the main reason people see disruptions is failing to file on time and with the required information. Further, with the new federal programs in place, the unemployment certification requirements could be more onerous so make sure you take time to review your weekly or bi-weekly certification requirements. If you miss several weeks of certification, you may have to file a new claim.

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    Will I Get Back Pay For The $600 Unemployment Washington State

    If an applicant had separated from his or her job or became eligible under the CARES Act before submitting or obtaining approval, benefits from the time the application was submitted will be paid. Afterwards, well be able to make retroactive payments of both the weekly benefit amount and an additional $600 a week after the original claim has been paid.

    Coronavirus Aid Relief And Economic Security Act

    The U.S. House of Representatives on March 27, 2020, passed the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act to provide financial relief to individuals and businesses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. President Donald Trump signed the legislation on March 27. Among the provisions in the act, Congress earmarked roughly $260 billion to expand unemployment insurance benefits across the country. The act supplemented state unemployment insurance payments by increasing the number of weeks an individual could receive benefits and by providing individuals with an additional $600 per week on top of what they would normally receive.

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    Senate Bill 5873 Affects Unemployment Tax Rates

    As a result of SB 5873, the average 2022 unemployment tax rate for all employers is projected to be 1.3%, an 11% tax cut from what it was projected to be without the legislation.

    For 2022, most employers will see a reduction in their social cost factor rate from 0.75% to 0.5%.

    For 2023, the flat social cost factor rate will cap at 0.7% instead of 0.8%.

    SB 5873 also gives many small business employers with 10 or fewer employees in fourth quarter 2021 more relief on their social tax rate in 2023.

    SB 5873 applies only to taxable employers, not reimbursable employers.

    Please Do Not Ignore Overpayment Notices

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    Unless you were a recent victim of imposter fraud, outlined below, it is important you read the overpayment notice thoroughly and follow the instructions. If the overpayment is a result of missing information, then contact us as instructed in the letter so we can fix the issue, or work out a payment plan that works for you.

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    Filing Wage Reports And Paying Unemployment Taxes

    Tax reports or tax and wage reports, and unemployment tax payments can be filed and paid through our free and efficient online systems, or by submitting our original paper forms.

    Employer Account Management Services or EAMS for Single Filers can be used to file tax reports and wage reports online. You will need to set up your online account in advance.

    ePay can be used to pay unemployment taxes online. Avoid last-minute setup or compatibility issues by taking time to get familiar with ePay before using it to pay unemployment taxes.

    Washinton State Unemployment Insurance Tax

    As an employer in Washington state, you are most likely required to pay state unemployment taxes, administered by the Employee Security Department . Unlike the Federal Unemployment Tax Act , where you pay unemployment taxes for employees who earned more than $1,500, in Washington,you need to pay state unemployment taxes for an employee regardless of their wages.

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    Are You Available And Actively Searching For Work

    To maintain your eligibility for unemployment benefits, you must be able to work, available to accept a job, and looking for employment. If you’re offered a suitable position, you must accept it. For the initial unemployment period, whether a position is suitable depends on several factors, including the level of skill and training required, the similarity between the work and your previous employment, how much the position pays, and the distance between the job site and your residence. However, as time goes on, you will be expected to modify your standards and consider accepting any work for which you are qualified.

    You must conduct a reasonable search for work. At a minimum, you must make contact with at least three potential employers or participate in three in-person job search activities per week. You should keep a log of your job search efforts, including the employers you have contacted, the dates you made contact, and the outcome. The ESD may contact you or your employer contacts to verify your efforts. You will also be required to register for work at a Worksource Employment Center.

    How Much Do You Get From Washington Unemployment

    Lifting All Boats?

    In Washington, the most you can receive each week in unemployment is $929 per week. The actual amount depends on your earnings during the base year.

    Washington doesn’t have a set number of weeks for unemployment. Instead, it allows you to claim unemployment benefits until you hit the lesser of:

    • 26 times the weekly benefit
    • One-third of your gross income during the base year

    To get an idea of your maximum employment benefit, add the earnings from your two highest-income quarters. Then, multiply that amount by 0.0385. If the amount is between $295 and $929, it will be your weekly benefit amount. If it’s higher than $929, your weekly benefit will be $929.

    If the number is lower than $295, the state will multiply it by 4 and divide the result by 52. Compare that number to $295 your weekly benefit will be whichever is lower.

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    Q Do I Need To Report Any Holiday Or Vacation Pay

    A.Yes, report the holiday pay during the week in which the holiday occurred. Do notwait until you are paid for the holiday to report it.

    If your vacation pay was accrued and there are no specific dates attached to it, you do not need to report it. However, if your vacation pay was for specific days, it is deductible, and you need to report it. Be sure to report it for the week in which the vacation days occurred.

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