Saturday, September 7, 2024

Have Unemployment Benefits Been Extended

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Who Lost Jobless Benefits Or $300 Bonus Checks

LWA Unemployment Benefits of $300 A Week Has Been Extended To 6 Weeks!

In response to the COVID recession, the federal government made unemployment benefits more generous, longer lasting, and more widely accessible. It did this primarily through three major programs:

Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation , which initially provided the jobless with a $600-a-week federal bonus on top of their state-level unemployment benefits. That bonus fell to $300 a week this year. The program was originally intended to keep workers solvent amid the widespread lockdowns of spring 2020. But it later came to function as a temporary solution to the problem of Americas unusually stingy state-level unemployment benefits, which average just $334 a week.

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance , which extended unemployment benefits to the self-employed, gig workers, independent contractors, and part-time laborers.

Pandemic Extended Unemployment Compensation , which extended the total duration of the typical jobless Americans unemployment benefits from 26 weeks to 79 weeks.

No worker is an island. When a jobless American loses benefits, he or she is usually not the only one who suffers a loss in purchasing power. As Matt Bruenig notes, survey data suggests that todays unemployed live in households with an average of 3.7 members. If the Century Foundations projections are correct, this means that the number of Americans who are about to see their household income sharply decline is 38.85 million.

Do You Have To Pay Taxes If You Live In Georgia

Georgia has income taxes and your residency status will determine, in part, whether you need to pay Georgia taxes. You are a nontaxable nonresident if you do not reside in Georgia and have not earned income in Georgia You are a taxable nonresident if you are not a resident of the state but earned income from Georgia sources.

Will I Have A Lapse Or Delay In Getting My Benefits If A Bill Does Pass This Year

Some are arguing that the ongoing delays in Congress passing a new stimulus bill that includes UI benefits extensions may mean a lapse or extended delay in 2021 payments even if a bill is passed in the next week or two. Based on the challenging rollout of other Pandemic unemployment programs this year, worker advocates say it could take weeks for the antiquated state unemployment systems and programs to get updated and process claims/payments for new benefits.

With Democratic candidate Joe Biden winning the Presidential election and Senate Republicans likely to retain control of the Senate , the probability of a stimulus package containing supplementary unemployment benefits happening this year is very remote as Trump and the Democrats have no political incentive to compromise. This means current and retroactive payments under the CARES act enhanced unemployment programs will expire at the end of the year. Further, it is also highly likely that the next stimulus package will be much smaller and more focused. This means any supplementary unemployment benefits will be in the $300 to $400 range and for a short period . More details will come soon and I will post updates as that happens.

See details on when the renewed unemployment stimulus could be paid if passed in the next few weeks. Payments will be retroactive to September 12th, the week after LWA benefits expired.

For additional unemployment resources and state based information see the UI resource page.

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How The End Of Expanded Unemployment Benefits Could Affect Everyone

If lawmakers don’t act to expand unemployment benefits, it’s not just those who will see their checks fall who could be hurt. Without the extra $600 a week, those who are out of work will get an average benefit equaling about 1/3 of their pre-pandemic income.

With workers receiving so little money, they may not be able to make rent or pay their mortgages, much less spend money to keep the economy going. If evictions and foreclosures start to rise, this could have a ripple affect, impacting landlords and sending property values plummeting. Consumer demand will likely also fall when people have less money, so businesses could find themselves with too few customers, and the stock market could crash again.

In short, the recession could deepen, more families could fall into poverty, and stocks could plummet — creating economic chaos and possibly resulting in the greatest economic depression in most of our lifetimes.

Im Partially Employed Because Im A Student And Work Part Time Doing Ride

Generous Unemployment Benefits Extended To Those Affected ...

You may be eligible for PUA, depending on your personal circumstances. A gig economy worker, such as a driver for a ride-sharing service, is eligible for PUA provided that he or she is unemployed, partially employed, or unable or unavailable to work for one or more of the qualifying reasons provided for by the CARES Act. For example, a driver for a ride-sharing service may be forced to quit his or her job if he or she was diagnosed with COVID-19 by a qualified medical professional, and although the driver no longer has COVID-19, the illness caused health complications that render the driver objectively unable to perform his or her essential job functions, with or without a reasonable accommodation. Similarly, under an additional eligibility criterion established by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to 2102, a driver who receives an IRS Form 1099 from the ride-sharing service may qualify for PUA benefits if he or she has been forced to suspend operations as a direct result of the COVID-19 public health emergency, such as if an emergency state or municipal order restricting movement makes continued operations unsustainable. Relatedly, widespread social distancing undertaken in response to guidance from federal, state, or local governments may so severely reduce customer demand for a drivers services as to force him or her to suspend operations, and thus make the driver eligible for PUA.

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I Run A Nonprofit Organization And Am A Reimbursing Employer Under My States Unemployment Insurance Program Due To The Economic Impacts Of The Covid

Contact your state unemployment insurance office to learn what options may be available for delaying reimbursement payments. The CARES Act allows states to provide maximum flexibility to reimbursing employers as it relates to timely payments in lieu of contributions and assessment of penalties and interest. The U.S. Department of Labor will soon be issuing guidance on how states should implement this provision.

The American Rescue Plan And The Unemployment Insurance Program

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed into law on March 11, 2021. This legislation continues benefit programs that were established by the CARES Act and the Continued Assistance Act

The Virginia Employment Commission can provide details of this law and how it affects the various programs under the Unemployment Insurance umbrella.

Please Note:

  • The VEC will automatically enroll you in the appropriate extension based on the program you are already under . However, if you are notified that your benefit year has ended you must file a new traditional claim to establish a new benefit year.
  • You should continue to file your weekly claim for benefits as you normally would as long as you remain unemployed.
  • You will not need to contact the VEC in order for these program extensions to take effect. The VEC will mail you a Monetary determination that reflects the increase in eligibility.

Benefit Program Information:

Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation This program is offered to individuals who have exhausted their regular state UI benefits. PEUC has now been extended through the week ending September 4, 2021. Entitlement was increased from 24 weeks to 53 weeks.

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance This program has now been extended through the week ending September 4, 2021. The maximum number of payable weeks under PUA are increased from 50 weeks to 79 weeks.

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Unemployment Extended Benefits Compensation

If you’re eligible for extended unemployment benefits, you will receive the same amount that you received for regular unemployment compensation. The amount of weeks you will receive depends on your state unemployment rate and may vary.

The information contained in this article is not legal advice and is not a substitute for such advice. State and federal laws change frequently, and the information in this article may not reflect your own states laws or the most recent changes to the law.

Is It Too Late To Apply For Unemployment Insurance

Extended Unemployment Benefits: When would the payments start?

If you’ve been laid off or furloughed, you can apply for unemployment benefits in your state. Once the state approves your claim, you can apply to receive whatever state benefits you’re entitled to. Because states cover 30% to 50% of a person’s wages, there isn’t a single sum you could expect on a national basis. Each state’s unemployment insurance office provides information to file a claim with the program in the state where you worked. Some claims may be filed in person, by phone or online, so it’s best to contact your state’s office directly.

Eligibility criteria vary from state to state, but the general rule is that you should apply if you’ve lost your job or been laid off through no fault of your own, including if it was due directly or indirectly to the pandemic. You can check on your state’s requirements here. In February, the Department of Labor updated its unemployment eligibility requirements to include people who refused to return to work due to unsafe coronavirus standards.

As for self-employed workers and freelancers who are losing PUA coverage, some online groups are calling to extend pandemic unemployment programs through the crisis and offer more information.

You might also want to know about the IRS issuing refunds to those who were taxed on their 2020 unemployment benefits. And here’s an important primer on the 2021 enhanced child tax credit, which is offering millions of families extra money in advance of next year’s taxes.

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People Collecting Pua Lose All Jobless Aid

People on PUA don’t qualify for any other type of unemployment insurance. During the pandemic, this program supported people who couldn’t work due to child- or dependent-care needs, as well as the self-employed, freelancers, gig workers and part-time workers.

As of Sept. 6, these recipients will not have another safety net to recover lost wages.

Will Congress Extend Unemployment Benefits

There is no indication that Congress will extend these enhanced unemployment benefits. Why? These unemployment insurance program were always intended to be temporary and tied to the Covid-19 pandemic. Its possible that Congress could authorize new unemployment benefits in the future due to a further resurgence of Covid-19. However, there are no immediate plans to extend relief beyond today. That said, in the American Rescue Plan, Congress authorized $350 billion to the states to provide for unemployment financial relief.

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How Long Do Your Unemployment Benefits Last



If youre on unemployment, or might be in the foreseeable future, youre probably wondering how long unemployment insurance lasts.

Heres what you need to know.

Unemployment Insurance: How Many Weeks?

More than 26 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits. If you lost your job, have been furloughed, your company has shut, or think you may lose your job in the future, its important to understand how unemployment insurance works and for how long it lasts. Unemployment benefits typically last for 26 weeks. However, each state dictates the length of unemployment benefits.

For example, states such as New York, California, Texas, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Ohio each offer 26 weeks of unemployment benefits through the traditional state-funded unemployment insurance system. Seven states provides less than 26 weeks of unemployment compensation. For example, Florida and North Carolina each offer 12 weeks, while Missouri provides 13 weeks of unemployment benefits.

Unemployment Insurance: How You Get Paid

The unemployment insurance system helps people who have lost their job to receive benefits to help replace part of their lost income. The states administer the system and pay the benefits, with oversight from the U.S. Department of Labor, which pays the administrative costs.

Will Your Unemployment Benefits Be Extended?

Additional Resources:

Where Do I File For Unemployment Insurance

Have Louisiana Unemployment Benefits Been Extended

Unemployment insurance is a joint state-federal program that provides cash benefits to eligible workers. Each state administers a separate unemployment insurance program, but all states follow the same guidelines established by federal law.

Please see the map and list below to find the contact information for your state in order to apply for Unemployment Benefits.

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Unemployment Benefits Could Be Extended Until 2022 As New Legislation Is Introduced

  • 12:20 ET, Sep 16 2021

UNEMPLOYMENT benefits could be extended until 2022, thanks to new legislation expected to be introduced this week.

It comes as the federal Covid support initially ended over the Labor Day weekend, leaving millions of jobless Americans without help.

The proposal will come from New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , who said the benefits would be extended through February 1, 2022, if passed.

The bill would also be retroactive from September 6, the day unemployment benefits expired for millions of Americans.

“I will be reintroducing legislation to bring back the pandemic unemployment assistance,” the progressive congresswoman said.

However, AOC is not entirely sure the prospects of it.

Around 7.5million unemployed individuals watched their benefits expire earlier this month, according to estimates by the Century Foundation.

Those benefits included checks worth $300 per week.

What Should I Do Once Unemployment Benefits Run Out

Nows the time to focus on what you can do to better your financial situation and develop a plan moving forward. Here are a few actions you can take to get started, which we have collected over time from experts:

  • Start looking for a survival job to help cover your necessary living expenses, even if it doesnt align with your long-term career goals.
  • Reassess your budget and make it as lean as possible by cutting back on non-essential spending and other potential costs. If you dont have a budget, start one by following these tips.
  • If you have an emergency fund, now is the time to rely on it.
  • If you dont have an emergency fund but have a 401, you may be able to tap into it penalty-free via loans or even special hardship withdrawals through Sept. 30. If you arent eligible, consider withdrawing from your 401 only as a last resort.
  • Ask your circle of friends, family, or work colleagues for help if youre struggling financially. They may be able to temporarily help you out or guide you on what to do next if you talk to them about your situation.
  • Reach out to organizations in your community for assistance, such as local food banks, charities, and nonprofit centers.
  • When possible, restock your emergency savings. Even if youre contributing only $5 a week back to your fund, it will build up over time.

If youre feeling overwhelmed or guilty about your finances, give yourself some grace and practice self-care. Your mental health matters just as much as your financial health.

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Disadvantages Of Extended Unemployment Benefits

The downside of unemployment benefits is that paying them can, like any other government spending, increase budget deficits and add to the government debt. How can this hurt the economy? Investors may become worried that the government can’t pay back its debt.

Demand falls for U.S. Treasury bonds, which are used to finance government spending. This makes interest rates rise, increasing the cost of borrowing for everyone. Most loans peg their interest rates to the yield on Treasurys.

How Will The Benefits Cliff Impact The Economy

Unemployment pay extended 13 weeks for those who have exhausted benefits

The official justification for allowing enhanced unemployment benefits to expire is simple: By providing jobless Americans with unusually generous welfare payments, Uncle Sam was lulling them into idleness and thus slowing the labor markets recovery. Help Wanted signs decorated windows across the country. Small-business owners lamented their inability to find applicants for open positions. And these anecdotal signs of a labor shortage were complemented by some hard data points: As of June, there were 10 million job openings in America.

Red states barely needed an economic rationale for cutting welfare benefits. But the notion that Congress had accidentally engineered a labor shortage had some buy-in with Democratic economists too, which is one reason why the Biden administration is not pushing to extend the COVID-era UI programs past Labor Day . And yet available evidence suggests that enhanced unemployment benefits have had little impact on the labor market.

One silver lining of red states cuts to UI is that theyve offered a natural experiment on the macroeconomic impact of jobless benefits. If high unemployment payments were holding back job growth, then one would expect to see a major divergence in the employment conditions of states that cut UI early this summer and those that did not. But this is not what weve seen.

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My Regular Unemployment Compensation Benefits Do Not Provide Adequate Support Given The Unprecedented Economic Challenges Caused By The Covid

Yes, depending on how your state chooses to implement the CARES Act. The new law creates the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program , which provides an additional $600 per week to individuals who are collecting regular UC and Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers , PEUC, PUA, Extended Benefits , Short Time Compensation , Trade Readjustment Allowances , Disaster Unemployment Assistance , and payments under the Self Employment Assistance program). This benefit is available for weeks of unemployment beginning after the date on which your state entered into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor and ending with weeks of unemployment ending on or before July 31, 2020.

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